
El Cóctel Desconstruido

Cómo mezclar un cóctel - visualmente

“I have always tried to explain and express myself through images and visuals. Since I was young, I have been visualizing different things in my own head and always tried to explain to myself how I could put everything I encounter down on a canvas. Sometimes, the images stay inside my head for a long time, until I get the chance to do something about them, like with these images of visually mixed cocktails I have worked on now”

These words are spoken by Kai Myhre, the founder of the initial idea that led to the Quenched company and its products seen now.

The images of the deconstructed cocktails have since long, been an ongoing project in his mind where figuring out how to take the pictures has been a hobby to recon. “Some very dirty and wet trials have been conducted in my kitchen”, Kai says when talking about the project. His final tools came from getting some water balloons from his kids and setting up a set in the studio and teaming up with tech-wiz photographer Dag Dalvang and shooting for two straight days. “It's always great to work with Dag, he's the tech wizard I never will be and loves details more than I do.” Says Kai.

The imagery of the different classic cocktails were firstly meant to be offered for sale as posters and through the platform. Whether or not a campaign, sales of prints, or something else, the images will be posted as Quenched strives to launch its products in different cities and countries. In other words, there are more deconstructed cocktails to come.

The visual thinking of Kai Myhre is represented by the build-up of the software where every step of the recipes is visually explained through the use of video, graphics, sound, and text. The idea behind is to make every great tasting cocktail available to be made at home by home bartenders. The theory that people learn more efficiently through visual learning stands strong with Kai. Negroni; Kai Myhre has used a classic Negroni recipe to visualize the ingredients. Dag Dalvang stitched the image together beautifully.

A classic Daiquiri; Kai Myhre used the ingredients he learned from Shannon Mustipher and it has also become his favorite drink when using his own Q-Kit