
Jannecke's Cocktail Callenge

The Quenched concept explained in practice together with Jannecke Weeden

The Quenched concept explained in practice together with Jannecke Weeden...


Jannecke Weeden is a Norwegian TV and radio presenter based in Oslo. She is currently working together with Henrik Todesen with their podcast called Bagateller.

What makes you drink great cocktails at home?

We think we know the answer to that. We think it´s the guidance. Having the tools and ingredients are is the easy part. Doing something you only have seen a bartender or your cocktail nerd friend do is somewhat difficult to get going on by yourself.

We asked our friend Jannecke Weeden to the bar HIMKOK to talk about her favorite cocktails. And boy did she deliver! Until she was asked to make it herself…

Jannecke Weeden makes her favourite cocktail

She’s been drinking cocktails in a number of places, but when it comes to making her own, she might need a hand…

When it comes to making your own cocktail, people tend to think that it´s hard. But actually, all you need is a guide coming in to push you in the right direction. Thankfully, we got Kenji Jesse to guide Jannecke in the right direction to make it right at the end… Just like the Cocktail Club software guides you through every step, Kenji also delivered…

Try the same cocktail Jannecke made by clicking here

We want to thank Himkok in Oslo for their generous cooperation and of course Jannecke Weeden for her sportsmanship behind the bar.